Problem solvers are indispensable. It is what you solve that brings value to you.
You must have heard this saying: Challenges are breakfast of champions. You can’t expect everything to work like fairy tale. Wake up ,Work out the salvation for your success story.

Mathew 7:7
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Everything practically was negative for blind barthemus, nothing to his name .To add insult to his limitations he was blind.
He had all reasons to be depressed, rejected, dejected and tend toward suicide.
One thing he had going for him was his mouth.
He asked questions.

In Luke 18:35-38
As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”
He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

He used his mouth to seek a way to solve his problem.
Bible says ask and you will be given.

Answers, direction and solutions are found when questions are asked.
Jesus atimes asked questions to solve problems.
At a time he asked his disciples ,who do the people say I am. At another time he asked barthemus what do you another time he asked the paralytic what he wanted.

Feed back is essential in communication.question asking leads to reply response and solution to problems.
When questions are asked, problems are addressed with either resistance or surrender.but a step must be made.

Even salvation was an answer to a question and a problem at a cost and a process.Jesus solved problem of mankind and that’s why he is forever indispensable.The undisputed saviour
Jesus had to go through some storms of life from infancy to the cross.Eventually he paid the price for salvation.
You must have heard ,faith without works is emptiness.
Never be afraid to ask questions or attempt solving problems.

Those who ask will surely get answers.
Never be domant.keep solving problems.
Be inquisitive for good things.
Be adaptive.
Be objective
Be friendly .
Work it out

The slave girl solved naman”s the generals problem by giving him direction.
David got answers to his problem by solving another persons problem. He solved the problem of the Egyptian slave who was left almost dead by his so doing the revived slaves solved his problem by giving him direction to recover his family.

When you ask questions. solution to problems come. reward, BLESSINGS are guaranteed to come to you. You never can tell or assume until you take a step of asking.

Today you can start by asking God to forgive you.
You can ask God to take charge of your life and destiny.
You can, ask the holyspirit to lead you always.
You can ask the Almighty God to use you. Ask of him to give answers to deep secrets. After all it’s written call unto me and i will show you deep and secret things you know not about.

Learn to solve problems of others. when you do that its likened to showing mercy ,understand their is a great reward for showing mercy to others.

And as you do so a premium will be valued in you.
Now let’s pray

Let the power that created heaven and earth lead you always.
Let your steps be blessed always.
Let the joy that brings open heaven be yours.
I speak life into everything that will add good value to you. I cover your life and family with blood of Jesus.
Any evil imagination against you will backfire in Jesus name.

Where a role call of testimonies are called your name will be on the list in Jesus name.

I cover your life with the blood of Jesus now and always in Jesus name. Amen



Comment (1)

  1. Angus Levie
    November 14, 2024


    I need your help with a problem I’ve got. I messed up with a young girl and now she’s upset with me. I know I was in the wrong and I want to fix it. Can you help me figure out what to do?

    I’m willing to pay for your time and expertise. Please call me as soon as you can.

    My Whatsapp: +353877761357
    My phone: +17852122012
    My email:

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